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Community Health Action Plan


This health plan action covers the needs of the town of Red Valley and the surrounding farms. From the recent statistics, this rural town has a population of 1232 with the median income of $32,020. The poverty index is quite high with almost 30% of the citizens living below the poverty level (Blais, 2015). While the majority of the inhabitants at 78% speak English fluently, some still cannot speak fluently with 13% using both Spanish and English and 9% use Hmong and some English (Blais, 2015). More than 20% of the residents are below 18 years old while those over the age of 65 constitute 22% (Blais, 2015).

From the above statistics, there is a need to pay special attention to the aging population which is 22% of the total residents. This action plan is, therefore, geared towards promoting health among the senior citizens. The common health problem among this category of people is the issue of chronic illnesses. The national figure indicates that more than 90 Americans live with some form of chronic disorders and every ten deaths, bout 7 are caused by a chronic illness (Blais, 2015). Studies have shown that early prevention, detection alongside better disease management are fundamental in reducing the rates of hospitalizations, costs of medications and deaths from chronic disorders. Health Promotion, as a component of primary health care, is vital to achieving this milestone.

Methods for Promoting Health Care Delivery Services in a Rural Community

The primary aspect that can hinder positive health outcomes is the lack of proper communication strategies. The most important aspect of communication is to use community engagement strategy to deliver health care (Huey Jr, Tilley, Jones, & Smith, 2014). This strategy refers to the practice of involving the community in key decision making stages about the health services. This action plan shall involve the community during the development of a health policy, health service planning, and execution of the services and during the evaluations. The idea of applying a community engagement strategy is to increase the levels of participation, a better understanding of health concerns, improved satisfaction for the consumer and the community. The strategy also ensures that there are a greater ownership and investment as well as a greater accountability for the funds given for such activities. Community engagement does lead to responsive and quality health services (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2015).

In engaging the community, we shall employ a variety of techniques like the formation of consumer advisory committees; consult about specific issues that may hinder the successful health promotion activities through focus groups or use surveys. We shall also have community members as being part of health system committee. We shall also consider the diversity in ethnicity and the language is spoken by rural communities to ensure that language does not present a barrier to the delivery of health care (Blais, 2015).  

Culturally Sensitive, Evidence-Based Strategies for Working with A Diverse Rural Population

Understanding the cultural diversity of the rural population, we shall use the community as well as religious leaders to help us gain acceptance. Proper use of language and understanding the possible meaning of some words and phrases to a specific segment of a community will help the professionals avoid them (Shi & Singh, 2014). Some communities make use of alternative medicine to address some issues, and the professionals should be able to understand the type used in a given community and if it has been proved to aid in promoting health, then they can enhance it scientifically proven methods for better outcomes (Huey Jr et al., 2014).

Potential Barriers to Health Care for a Rural Community Population

There are varied unique challenges that are associated with delivering healthcare to rural areas, Red Valley town being included. Provider shortages, long travel distances, isolation, lack of or scarcity of specialty care, poor infrastructure, and population being dominated by older persons with a myriad of chronic disorders cause health care provision a big challenge (Shi & Singh, 2014). Another barrier to the provision of health care in rural areas stems from the fact that most of the families are low-income earners which limit their choice of health care facilities. Poverty has been cited as one of the leading causes for poor uptake of insurance and unhealthy living habits (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2015).

Communication Strategies and Techniques for an Interdisciplinary Health Care Team Working with a Rural Community Population

Communication is a fundamental component for the success of any interdisciplinary team. Keeping an open form of communication where respect and emotional maturity are present ensures that collaboration succeeds (Weller, Boyd, & Cumin, 2014).  To achieve such successful partnerships requires that members of the team must learn to respect the divergent perspectives of other team members. Besides, having a conflict resolution mechanism that is clearly defined will help partners in resolving communication issues that may arise in the course of practice. One strategy that ensures successful communication is the dropping of titles and use the assigned names for the purpose of the collaboration (Fewster-Thuente, 2015).


Health care delivery to a rural population can present many challenges to both the consumers of the health care and the providers. Some challenges like isolation, poor infrastructure, poor access to providers and poverty are among some of the challenges faced (Shi & Singh, 2014). However, there are evidence-based practices that can help the providers of primary care to have a successful health care delivery. Community engagement, understanding the barriers and proper collaborations for the interdisciplinary teams will go a long way in helping ensure effective health care delivery to rural areas.

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